I choosed the small 300W @ 48V DC-spindle that I am using on my
eShapeoko CNC-router
on the basis of it is supposedly low level of noise. I was hoping to be able
to use the router in my apartment and low noise was therefore very important.
The obvious drawback however with this small DC-spindle is that it is very
low power. It needs to be run with a low feed and shallow depth pass to be able
to handle the cutting load.
I can't use the same mount for the new Kress that I used for the old spindle.
So I had to build a new one.
CNC Workflow, Design, LibreCAD, CamBam, Camotics
I manfactured all the parts for the mount using my CNC-router.
My usual workflow and toolchain when using the CNC is consisting mostly of free and open-source software (FOSS).
Here is a short summary of the toolchain.
The routing of the parts went straight forward. Each part took roughly 15 minutes to complete.
Test routing
As a first test I created a small part for the turntable-project.
Final thoughts
Using fir for the mount seems to have worked out okay but I think it wouldn't hurt using some kind of hardwood at least for the clamping part of the mount.
And finally I would really like to recommend the Kress 1050 FME-1 spindle, it is a really good and high quality spindle.